Archive | September, 2019


20 Sep

Break a leg! And drink some blood!

Amaranthine by Joleene Naylor

I mentioned Halloweenapalooza briefly in my last post and am now excited to say I will be attending with my own table. Join us October 11th and 12th in Ottumwa, Iowa, at the Hotel Ottumwa, for a horror film festival complete with celebrity guests and, of course, vendor tables. NeoLeaf Press will also be there with their new Halloween anthology, and I will have my vampire selfie station set up.


Hope to see someone I know there!

my sig

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Party Time! Shades of Gray Turns Ten

5 Sep

Wow! Has it been that long already?

Amaranthine by Joleene Naylor

Shades of Gray, the first novel in the Amaranthine series, turns ten this month! As part of the celebration, I’m holding a month long party on Facebook with lots of prizes! Even better, the more people that join, the more prizes I’ll add, including Amazon gift card(s). Not to say that the current prizes aren’t pretty cool (click the images for the full descriptions):

So how can you get in on the fun?

How to enter: Each person will receive one entry just by messaging/mailing/or commenting on the post on the party page and saying “enter me”. Additional entries can be obtained by participating in the daily “events” in the Facebook party group.You do NOT need to participate daily, and you can backtrack whenever you want and participate in previous day’s events. So people who join later in the month can still play every single game.


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